Images tagged "nitrogen"
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Nitrogen4U Stop relying on third-party suppliers for your nitrogen gas supply, make your own with one of our nitrogen generators. Creating your own gas on site ensures no costly processing, refill and deliveries. Our gas generators come ready to use, all that is needed is a supply of compressed more »

How Membrane Works
Available in a wide range of flow rates and purities. (Oxygen contents from 5% to less than 0.1%) Dry compressed air is filtered and passed through the generator which contains hundreds of thousands of hollow fibres which separate the Nitrogen from the air through a process known as selective permeation. Water vapour and oxygen rapidly permeate safely to the atmosphere, while... read more »

How PSA Works
Probably the most common way of Nitrogen Generation is by the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) principle to produce a continuous stream of nitrogen gas from compressed air. Two towers are filled with carbon molecular sieve (CMS). Pre-treated compressed air enters through the inlet manifold and flows up through the CMS to separate the compressed air. Oxygen and other trace gasses... read more »

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) Food suppliers are always seeking ways to extend shelf life. Improved shelf life allows manufacturers to extend their geographical reach and allows product to remain in stores and consumer’s homes longer. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is a technique of modifying the composition of the internal atmosphere of a package (commonly food packages, drugs, etc.) to improve... read more »
Contact Nitrogen4u Want to discuss your nitrogen gas generation or compressed air needs? Contact us now to discuss your specific requirements. Unit 12 Ford Lane Business Park Ford Lane Arundel West Sussex BN18 0UZ By Phone Office: 01903 257117 Sales: 07823 352759 Service: 07823 352760 By E-mail General enquiries: Sales: read more »